
We believe that the world isn’t all ninety degree angles and straight paths from A to B. That people make mistakes, and that the best things don’t go to plan. We’re not robots, and neither are you. Today, humans use satellites orbiting thousands of kilometres above the Earth to predict the weather and they still get it wrong. Fancy that. It’s as if everything around us doesn’t want to be measured with the same stick, or herded into categories.  

We’re an impractical bunch, hell bent on this elusive goddess called beauty, who runs away giggling as we clumsily chase. That’s what human nature is, clumsy and awkward, trying to chain and quantify beauty to perfection when really she is so much more than that. In one of our pieces you’re more likely to find artificial stupidity than intelligence. In reality, this stupidity, despite its negative connotations, leads us closer to beauty. Our errors become the untouched path in a world of well trodden trails. What a joy it is to see the peculiar, the different, to hold your eye over it and pause for a moment. A little chaotic oasis to remind you that nothing is perfect, nor should it be.

I guess what we’re trying to say is that we will not sell you factory made, self assembling pieces that you can lounge about on as you think about paying off your mortgage. We can however sell you something we once thought and felt so much that we made it into something real. An object that others could touch and see. And in this object, show you how we think, what we think, and what we stand for even without words. So what’s the point of all of this then? Just take a look and decide for yourself.


Charlotte Kingsnorth


Ding Shiwei